Webinar Icon Online 50x50 Check out the Gleeble Webinar Series.  DSI is hosting a series of discussions highlighting Gleeble research, results and best practices. We invite you to join us. You can view past webinars and sign-up for future sessions by clicking here

DSI Europe Logo 500w  

DSI Europe GmbH is located in Heilbronn, Germany and provides support for current and potential Gleeble customers across Europe. 

The European office is responsible for service and sales operations throughout most of Europe. (see the coverage map to the right) 

The European office offers customers a host of advantages including more convenient hours of operation, faster response times, and local currency support. Equipment, parts and consumables can be purchased directly from DSI Europe GmbH, eliminating the need for European customers to be concerned with importing these items from the US. Additionally, purchasing through the European office may result in the simplification or elimination of VAT charges for many organizations.

To contact the DSI Europe office, please fill out the form below or contact the team directly.

To view DSI Europe's data protection policy (available in English and German), please click here



Technical Contact: 

Dr. Leonard Wanigasooriya
Senior Applications Consultant - Europe

Dr. Leonard Wanigasooriya has been a long-time Gleeble user and expert, having studied and worked at Imperial College London. He joined "DSI EU" after spending several years in Singapore supporting Gleeble users in Asia. Now based in Europe, Leonard is working with the European Gleeble user community.

+44 (0) 7922 862 705
Skype: GleebleLenW


DSI Europe Headquarters:

Office Administrator: EU@Gleeble.com 

Managing Directors: Robert Campbell, Thorsten Kimpel, Steven Klausner

Registration: AG Stuttgart, HRB 776913
VAT No.: DE 297456778
Tax No.: 151 124 80711

DSI Europe GmbH 
Tatschenweg 1

T: +49 (0) 7131-39099-231

Operational Site 






Gleeble systems have been trusted by leading industry, universities, and research institutions for over 60 years:
  • University of Wollongong Logo
  • Wits
  • Waterloo
  • University West
  • Magdeburg
  • UConn
  • UBC
  • TU Delft
  • TU Wien
  • TU Graz
  • The Ohio State U
  • Tata
  • Swerea Kimab
  • Politecnico di Bari
  • Swansea
  • SAIL
  • Portland State
  • Atilim University
  • Oulu
  • Ostrava
  • Colorado School of Mines
  • Chemnitz University
  • Mississippi State
  • EPFL
  • ETS
  • FAU
  • Freiberg
  • Imperial
  • Iowa State University
  • Lehigh
  • LNLS
  • Lulea
  • University of Kentucky

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