Gleeble® Thermal-Mechanical Simulators
A Complete Family of Research Tools to Improve Materials, Optimize Processes and Increase Profits.
Dynamic Systems Inc. (DSI) designs and manufactures equipment for dynamic thermal-mechanical testing of materials and physical simulation of processes.
Samples of material are heated and mechanically worked while various performance parameters of interest are measured and recorded for analysis. After the simulation or test is done, the microstructure of the material may also be examined.
The most widely known machine produced by DSI for physical simulation is the Gleeble® System. The Gleeble System is produced in a number of different sizes and configurations . These machines typically have a high speed heating system, a servo hydraulic system and a computer control and data acquisition system.
What is Physical Simulation?
Physical simulation is the exact reproduction of the thermal and mechanical processes in the laboratory that a material is subjected to during the manufacturing process or end use. Physical simulation is a valuable tool used to study metallurgical processes, develop new materials and replicate real world conditions in the laboratory.
Lower Costs - Reduce product development, processing & energy costs
Optimize Manufacturing Processes - Develop new procedures & troubleshoot existing processes
Optimize Materials - Develop new materials and applications
Increase Production - Reduce scrap and maximize output and efficiency
Faster Product Development - Reduce time to market and R&D expense
Improved Product Quality - Improve product consistency and quality
DSI products provide a cost effective way to physically simulate high temperature processes and applications at a far lower cost than full scale tests while providing excellent correlation and results which can then be applied to the actual process or application.
Materials Testing Applications:
• Hot/warm tensile testing • Hot/warm compression testing |
Process Simulation Capabilities:• Continuous casting |

Phone: +1 (518) 283-5350 (Located in New York State, USA Time Zone: UTC/GMT -5 hours)